Mob Torrent is a client of the Bit Torrent protocol. Is done in Java although it is limited in some respects, can serve very large files and can not use it on almost any mobile phone that is not too old. Also for Java phones have Mobile Mule designed to connect and control from mobile, download legal do in our computer via E-Mule. If these programs do not come to work on your phone, you can always try Torrent Relay, a service accessible via the mobile browser to download torrents. And if you prefer it to the point, Mob Get is a download manager that supports pause and sum up, down or multiple files simultaneously.
SYMBIAN phones are available for SYM Torrent and Gnutella clients respectively. An alternative may be SIC! FTP and which can exchange files using FTP servers and that should look back to GNU HTTP Tunnel, which can mask the data traffic from the phone to do.
Torrent Droid is an application for Android little odd and simply by photographing the barcode on a DVD, look at the data network and allows us to download torrent and is still in alpha stage, but the most promising simplicity. Already Android Market, you can buy BARTOR, a fairly complete torrent client you will find in the Applications section.
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