Recently heard rumors about Sony Ericsson which will release Walkman products Android based. There has been no official information about the specifications and features as well as the price of this Sony Ericsson W15. But from some of the web that reviews the latest gadgets W15 specifications mentioned briefly about this. Another rumor says that Sony Ericsson Walkman W15 will be similar to the XPERIA X8, with HVGA 3-inch display, 600 MHz processor and 3.2 MP camera. If it's true, W15 Walkman generation will be wrapped with a typical interface Walkman plus dedicated audio chipset that supports multiple codecs. Possible Sony Ericsson W15 will be launched officially in May. Sony Ericsson has not given any leaks about the existence of Android this Walkman W15. For the target market share, it appears that Sony Ericsson W15 will be between the low and mid-market end. The phone is expected to slide on the market in late April or early May. However, these phones is still limited as far as rumors because there has been no official confirmation of the mobile phone.
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