Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Pants With Phone Charge Solar Panel

If using this Korean designer clothes, mobile phone users would not have to worry the battery runs out. The reason this dress can be pulled-charge your phone anywhere, anytime. Since these pants are fitted sheet catcher sunlight into energy (solar power). Solar power is enough to help the user device or MP3 player in the mobile phone recharge.

Launched by the Korea Times, line of environmentally friendly clothing that is designed to be called Go Collection. Not only the type of cargo pants that have solar power, but also jackets, vests and other clothing. Solar power is quite useful is pinned on cargo pants Go Urban on both sides of the existing bags. Solar power panel that is equipped also with USB Ports which can be connected to the device.

This panel automatically adjusts the heat of the sun into electrical energy, which then can be saved in an electronic device to provide operating energy.I was so sophisticated, not surprisingly, then this unique gadget were priced quite expensive, approximately USD920, while solar power jacket valued USD1, 260.
Wants the amazing gadget? This is one of of your chice.

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