LG has recently announced a new smartphone called LG Optimus Big. this smartphone was already known at the end of last March. Optimus Big comes with a screen size at 4.3 inches with single-core processor 1GHz Snapdragon, and 16GB internal memory. Meanwhile, a layer of the touch screen will use the NOva Screen technology. This smartphone is also equipped with connectivity features such as Wi-Fi 802.11 b / g / n, Bluetooth 3.0, and comes with HDMI-out port. The NOVA display technology has been widely adopted by mobile device today. Known for its smart screen technology, this technology presents a brighter appearance than what is presented by the display technology capable of Retina iPhone 4. NOVA display technology is also can be adopted and work on a bigger screen. LG Big Optimus uses the Android operating system 2.2 (Froyo) or with an upgrade to the latest version 2.3 (Gingerbrad). LG Optimus Big, will be released in South Korea on April 28, next through LG operator U +. and not yet known of full specifications and whether in conjunction with Optimus Black. But South Korea will likely become the first country that the presence of this smartphone.
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